Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Journey thus far

The Journey Thus Far

"Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step" - Lao Tzu

I took a single step into martial arts over six years ago and began studying Muay Thai kickboxing here in Seattle. Initially, it was to get into shape, but somehow I awoke a monster addicted to learning much much more. In addition to regularly attending Muay Thai, I participated a little bit of Savate and Kali as well.  Each year I have steadily increased my level either by completing tests and or attending seminars.

In 2013, a entirely new concept hit me. And by entirely new, I mean something that has been around a few years. I started becoming addicting to podcasts. I listened to Joe Rogan, Kevin Smith, and David Choe. Each of these guys are ballsy and have a lot of fun and some people may not notice that each of these guys at some point have conveyed the same message to listeners. Take a risk and try something.

Now you might be thinking that is a strange group of motivators, but it doesn't matter who you learn from. Whether it be from a celebrity or stranger to a CEO to a front desk clerk, there is always something to learn from anybody. Cecil Longino, a Prevot d'Armes, aka a practioner and instructor in European fighting arts, once told me, "you can't know everything, there is just too much". Since you can't learn everything might as well try and learn as much as possible ahd have fun in the process.

So at the end of 2013, I decided to create a podcast known as Martial Arts Musings (martialartsmusings.podbean.com). There are a few reasons I created it. First, I couldn't find many martial arts related podcasts. Secondly, I was getting extra motivated by these outside influencers (podcasters). Lastly, it sounded like a fun thing to do.

Over the past year, I have met many great Martial Artists through audio interviews and now I have finally launched a new website, with YouTube videos and this blog. It will be interesting to see where this year leads.

Enjoy Martial Arts Enthusiasts! Bam!

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