Thursday, January 28, 2016

Nitobe's Soul of Japan Bushido - Education and Training a Samurai

Foreword by Dwight
In this section, Inazo Nitobe discusses the training and education of the samurai class. He discusses the social patterns that samurai took almost no part in, such as finance, mathematics, and science. The samurai are all about action and a little less science.

(Corresponding cast)

Nitobe's Education and Training a Samurai

Life being regarded as the means whereby to serve his master, and its ideal being set upon honor, the whole education and training of a samurai, were conducted  accordingly. The first point to observe in knightly pedagogics was to build up  character, leaving in the shade the subtler faculties of prudence, intelligence and dialectics. We have seen the important part aesthetic accomplishments played in his education. Indispensable as they were to a man of culture, they were accessories rather than essentials of samurai training. Intellectual superiority was, of course, esteemed; but the word Chi, which was employed to denote intellectuality, meant wisdom in the first instance and placed knowledge only in a very subordinate place. The tripod that supported the framework of Bushido was said to be Chi, Jin, Yu, respectively Wisdom, Benevolence, and Courage. A samurai was essentially a man of action. Science was without the pale of his activity. He took advantage of it in so far as it concerned his profession of arms.

Religion and theology were relegated to the priests; he concerned himself with them in so far as they helped to nourish courage. Like an English poet the samurai believed "'tis not the creed that saves the man; but it is the man that justifies the creed." Philosophy and literature formed the chief part of his intellectual training; but even in the pursuit of these, it was not objective truth that he strove after,—literature was pursued mainly as a pastime, and philosophy as a practical aid in the formation of character, if not for the exposition of some military or political problem.

From what has been said, it will not be surprising to note that the curriculum of studies, according to the pedagogics of Bushido, consisted mainly of the following,— fencing, archery, jiujutsu oryawara, horsemanship, the use of the spear, tactics, caligraphy, ethics, literature and history. Of these, jiujutsu and caligraphy may require a few words of explanation. Great stress was laid on good writing, probably because our logograms, partaking as they do of the nature of pictures, possess artistic value, and also because chirography was accepted as indicative of one's personal character. Jiujutsu may be briefly defined as an application of anatomical knowledge to the purpose of offense or defense. It differs from wrestling, in that it does not depend upon muscular strength. It differs from other forms of attack in that it uses no weapon. Its feat consists in clutching or striking such part of the enemy's body as will make him numb and incapable of resistance. Its object is not to kill, but to incapacitate one for action for the time being.

A subject of study which one would expect to find in military education and which is rather conspicuous by its absence in the Bushido course of instruction, is mathematics. This, however, can be readily explained in part by the fact that feudal warfare was not carried on with scientific precision. Not only that, but the whole training of the samurai was unfavorable to fostering numerical notions.

Chivalry is uneconomical; it boasts of penury. It says with Ventidius that "ambition, the soldier's virtue, rather makes choice of loss, than gain which darkens him." Don Quixote takes more pride in his rusty spear and skin-and-bone horse than in gold and lands, and a samurai is in hearty sympathy with his exaggerated confrère of La Mancha. He disdains money itself,—the art of making or hoarding it. It is to him veritably filthy lucre. The hackneyed expression to describe the decadence of an age is "that the civilians loved money and the soldiers feared death." Niggardliness of gold and of life excites as much disapprobation as their lavish use is panegyrized. "Less than all things," says a current precept, "men must grudge money: it is by riches that wisdom is hindered." Hence children were brought up with utter disregard of economy. It was considered bad taste to speak of it, and ignorance of the value of different coins was a token of good breeding. Knowledge of numbers was indispensable in the mustering of forces as well, as in the distribution of benefices and fiefs; but the counting of money was left to meaner hands. In many feudatories, public finance was administered by a lower kind of samurai or by priests. Every thinking bushi knew well enough that money formed the sinews of war; but he did not think of  raising the appreciation of money to a virtue. It is true that thrift was enjoined by Bushido, but not for economical reasons so much as for the exercise of abstinence.

Luxury was thought the greatest menace to manhood, and severest simplicity was required of the warrior class, sumptuary laws being enforced in many of the clans. We read that in ancient Rome the farmers of revenue and other financial agents were gradually raised to the rank of knights, the State thereby showing its appreciation 0f their service and of the importance of money itself. How closely this was connected with the luxury and avarice of the Romans may be imagined. Not so with the Precepts of Knighthood. These persisted in systematically regarding finance as something low—low as compared with moral and intellectual vocations.

Money and the love of it being thus diligently ignored, Bushido itself could long remain free from a thousand and one evils of which money is the root. This is sufficient reason for the fact that our public men have long been free from corruption; but, alas, how fast plutocracy is making its way in our time and generation! The mental discipline which would now-a-days be chiefly aided by the study of mathematics, was supplied by literary exegesis and deontological discussions. Very few abstract subjects troubled the mind of the young, the chief aim of their education being, as I have said, decision of character. People whose minds were simply stored with information found no great admirers. Of the three services of studies that Bacon gives,—for delight, ornament, and ability,—Bushido had decided preference for the last, where their use was "in judgment and the disposition of business." Whether it was for the disposition of public business or for the exercise of self-control, it was with a practical end in view that education was conducted. "Learning without thought," said Confucius, "is labor lost: thought without learning is perilous."

When character and not intelligence, when the soul and not the head, is chosen by a teacher for the material to work upon and to develop, his vocation partakes of a sacred character. "It is the parent who has borne me: it is the teacher who makes me man." With this idea, therefore, the esteem in which one's preceptor was held was very high. 

A man to evoke such confidence and respect from the young, must necessarily be endowed with superior personality without lacking erudition. He was a father to the fatherless, and an adviser to the erring. "Thy father and thy mother"—so runs our maxim—"are like heaven and earth; thy teacher and thy lord are like the sun and moon."

The present system of paying for every sort of service was not in vogue among the adherents of Bushido. It believed in a service which can be rendered only without money and without price. Spiritual service, be it of priest or teacher, was not to be repaid in gold or silver, not because it was valueless but because it was invaluable. Here the non-arithmetical honor-instinct of Bushido taught a truer lesson than modern Political Economy; for wages and salaries can be paid only for services whose results are definite, tangible, and measurable, whereas the best service done in education,— namely, in soul development (and this includes the services of a pastor), is not definite, tangible or measurable. Being immeasurable, money, the ostensible measure of value, is of inadequate use. Usage sanctioned that pupils brought to their teachers money or goods at different seasons of the year; but these were not payments out offerings, which indeed were welcome to the recipients as they were usually men of stern caliber, boasting of honorable penury, too dignified to work with their hands and too proud to beg. They were grave personifications of high spirits undaunted by adversity.

Absolutely fascinating section. Just as we discovered that the French and Italians applied math and science to the fencing arts, the Japanese went for more of the action over science. Obviously, a vast generalization, but that seems to be the case after reading this section. Also the Samurai incorporated calligraphy, poetry and philosophy into their training, which is why I think many people romanticize about the Samurai. Not only warriors, but mindful and artistic.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Digrassi's His True Art of Defense - The Sword and Target Part 3

Foreword by Dwight
Learn to defend yourself against 15th century a-holes! This is the last section on the sword and square target. Digrassi describes the offense and defense in the high an low wards. If you haven't been following along, go back and read part 1 and part 2 or listen on the podcast.

(Corresponding Podcast)

Of the Hurt of the Low Ward, at Sword and Square Target

There are many blows to be bestowed, standing at the low ward, all which I esteem as vain and to no purpose, considering the manifold and abundant defense of the Target. Therefore I will refrain myself unto two only which are very strong and hardly to be warded. And they are two thrusts, the one within, the other without, with the right foot both before and behind.

When one findeth himself within, with his right foot before, and so near his enemy, that by the increase of a left pace, he may with the right side of his Target, beat away the enemy's sword in the middle thereof, then he caught nimbly to increase that left pace, and (clothing in the enemy's sword between his Target and his own sword) to deliver a forcible thrust at the thighs, with the increase of a pace of the right foot. He may also do the very self same when he findeth himself to stand with his right foot behind, but then he must farther increase a pace of the right foot first, and then continuing still force his sword and paces directly onwards, if he hit not the enemy as he would at the first.

But if it chance that he find himself without, then he must (having first found out fit opportunity to beat off the enemy's sword with his Target) increase a left pace and placing the high side of his Target under the enemy's sword and his own sword upon it, closing it in, in the middle, increase a pace of the right foot, and discharge a forcible thrust, at the breast or face. And he may do the self same, when he standeth with the right foot behind.

Of the Defense of the High Ward at Sword and Square Target

For the warding of those two thrusts of the low ward, it is necessary, that a man stand at the same ward. And as the enemy commeth resolutely determined to thrust within, he must as soon, or more readily then he, increase a left pace, and with the right side of his Target close in the enemy's sword, between it and his own sword, and then to enter perforce and thrust either between the two Targets or else under them, with the increase of a pace of the right foot.

But if the enemy come without, he must increase the self same slope pace, and with the right side of his Target beat off the point of the enemy's sword and then thrust either above, either beneath, as in that occasion it shall be most for his advantage with the increase of the pace of the right foot. And when in consideration of the abundant defense of the Target, he may neither increase his paces , nor deliver a thrust, he must settle himself in the low ward with the right foot behind, which ward I will largely handle in the treatise of deceit of falsing, being as it were his proper place, here ending the true handling of the sword and square Target.

I love counter attacks. It is a vital strategy for any martial artist. Being able to parry, defend or avoid an strike and at the same time attack your opponent, is an incredibly useful skill. It doesn't matter if you are in mixed martial arts or a practitioner of self defense. Train your body and train your mind you sweet people.


"Shields: History and Terminology." Shields: History and Terminology. Pitt Rivers Museum. Web. 18 Oct. 2015.

Digrassi, Giacomo. "His True Art of Defence." University of Massachusetts and Raymond J. Lord. Web. 18 Oct. 2015. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Professor Mike Donovan's The Roosevelt That I know Part 3

Foreword by Dwight
This section takes place from the viewpoint of the famous caricaturist, Kate Carew or her real name Mary Williams. She seemed to be part of a strange inter circle of people that Roosevelt kept in his presence. Carew goes on to describe her perception of Professor "Mike" Donovan. 

The Roosevelt That I know Part 3

I can't give any better story of my acquaintance with Mr. Roosevelt, and my own life, than that given in the World by Miss Kate Carew: 

A commanding figure looms over the national horizon. A formidable figure, forsooth-the figure of Professor Mike Donovan, the savant of self-defense. Through the ruck of news, warlike and peaceful, from the seats of the mighty came on Friday the momentous intelligence that the President of the United States had need of Prof. Donovan. Letter were told of missives traced by the Presidental pen, wherein the learned professor was bidden to repair to Washington after the holidays and apply himself to the congenial task of being punched by the Chief Executive of the nation, and in the meantime to recommend a local savant worthy of the minor honor of being punched by the Chief Executive's progeny.

Hence this hurried narrative of a seance with Prof. Donovan. Not easily was it engineered, for the professor is as modest as he is learned, and he was greatly distressed at the news of the Presidential command having become public through the indiscretion of a friend in such a way as to cast upon him, as he feared, the odium of having boasted of the Presidential friendship. But let it be proclaimed at once that Professor Donovan is incapable-except perhaps in the exercise of his important art of doing anything to anger any right minded person.

Altogether, there were six of us present, but only four really counted- the professor, the scientist, Capt. Jack Crawford and I. The two that didn't count were the Boy and the Chaperon.

Take my word for it, it would do any man good to associate with Professor Donovan. He is as wholesome as a big red apple. I never envied the President of the United States before, but I do now, because he can send for his old "Mike" and have him come. Everybody calls him "Mike" myself, and I don't think he'd mind, and perhaps some day but so far I've only met him once. 

Professor Donovan its unnaturally formal, but I can't help it- Professor Donovan, then, is bald and snowy and russet cheeked and as spry as a kitten. His shoulders broad, of course and his figure is all that doth become a man and an athlete, and his hands are large and knotty. One of them misshapen from an injury in a fight. But whereas  shoulders and shape and fists are the most important things about the ordinary pugilist, the most important thing about Professor "Mike" is his face.

Such a fine old face Professor "Mike" has! You might search through many colleges of more esoteric learning than his without finding another professor with such a fine old face. It's as kind of face as you've ever seen and as simple and as childlike , and yet in a subtle way its the face of a fighter, too. It's the face of the fighter who fights without a spark of malice-who can fight a man and love him and be loved by him. and that's the sort of many Professor "Mike" is. The business of fighting is has given him some mannerisms -  a curiously alert way of cocking his head to one side, a flashing glance up form under his eyebrows, a certain swing of the body and a dancing quickness in the gestures of his hands-but socially he is the gentlest of men, full of quaint humor and quick sympathy and very courtly to the other sex. Nor is the other sex unreciprocal. It is easy to picture  Professor "Mike" the petted center of a circle of duchesses.

I asked him how old he was, and the Scientist interjected: "Whatever Mike tells you, add twenty years to it."  Whereupon the Professor and the Scientist had a verbal sparring match replete with jovial banter and appertaining chiefly to a silver championship belt of Professor "Mike's," which the Scientist insists upon regarding as the champion liar's belt, at the same time admitting that not til he himself is dead will the Professor be entitled to wear it. However, the squabble ended in a definite statement on the part of the Professor that he is fifty-eight, and has been boxing for 39 years, and his blue eyes danced with pride as he said it. Did I mention that his eyes are blue? They are very blue, indeed. I wished to know how happened to become a boxer. 

"Why I was born for it!" he exclaimed. "Just as soon as I was old enough to put up my hands I couldn't help putting 'em up" and up went the hands in that dancing gesture I have spoken of.

I thoroughly enjoyed this aspect from Kate Carew's perspective. It shows what a humble, kind and calm person that Professor Donovan was. It should be every martial artist's ambition to include these type of characteristics into their own philosophy, their own journey. I consider these aspects truly as a benefit of doing martial arts the right way. I am not saying that sport martial arts are bad, but there are some areas where it feels like it is almost mandatory to cause a stir to make the fights more profitable. 

Donovan, Michael Joseph. The Roosevelt That I Know; Ten Years of Boxing with the President--and Other Memories of Famous Fighting Men,. New York: B.W. Dodge, 1909.